Category Archives: previews

Tally Classic Previews: Notre Dame Papal Rage

Notre Dame Papal Rage parties during the finals of CCC. Photo courtesy of Chad Borer.

There are plenty of Ultimate programs that would be quick to tell you that they like to have fun or feel like a family together. That’s part of being a team. Especially during the spring, many teams spend the majority of their weekends in the spring traveling, playing and partying together. There is no doubt that such an amount of time together forges bonds that are on another level from your average college friendship.

However, there are some programs that take this idea even one more step further. These are teams that truly enjoy every second they are together. You can tell from their play, their interaction and the opinions their opponents have of them that there is something special about the team. There are a few programs like this, but very few that have managed to elevate themselves on the field to a level that rivals their interpersonal relationships.

Notre Dame Papal Rage is one of those few programs.

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Tally Classic Previews: Clemson Joint Chiefs

The Joint Chiefs pose after Queen City Tune Up. Photo courtesy of Jesse von Fange.

In addition to having one of the best team names in all of college Ultimate, the Clemson Joint Chiefs also have one of the more driven leaders. Graduate student captain Ben Slade has spent three years at Clemson attempting to take the Joint Chiefs from being just another Ultimate program, to a team with a solid farm system and an even more solid product on the field.

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Tally Classic 2010 Previews: Michigan State Burning Couch

MSU's Alex Edinger sets up a mark at College Trouble in Vegas. Photo courtesy of FacebookStalking.

When we last saw Michigan State the team was prepping to make a run at CCC in the fall. They had brilliant results at some early fall tournaments but by the time the snowy, muddy weekend in Chattanooga was over, Burning Couch was going home unhappy.

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Tally Classic 2010 Previews: Virginia Night Train

Weather plays a factor in any outdoor sport. However, in terms of Ultimate frisbee, the stakes are upped a little bit more than in other field sports. Without the following and respect that soccer, football or even lacrosse have, Ultimate tournaments are bumped at even the first sign of damage to fields. Field owners and managers have no other choice, as they have to keep their fields in shape for the more popular, thereby more lucrative sports.

This preseason in college Ultimate has been rife with rain and snow causing tournament cancellations. From Trouble in Vegas to the Hellfish Bonanza, no region of the country has been spared Mother Nature’s wrath this season. While we all know that some teams function without practicing outside (no really, we know, we get it, you don’t get to go outside), there are some teams that this is a brand new experience to. One of those teams is reigning AC Regional Champion, Virginia Night Train.

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